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JOCK STEWART (CDEG) CG/CGF/CGC Now, my name is Jock Stewart I'm a canny gaun man, And a roving young fellow, I've been. So be easy and free When you're drinkin wi' me. I'm a man you don't meet every day. I have acres of land; I have men at command; (And) I have always a shilling to spare. (And many ) Now, I took out my gun, With my dog I did shoot, All down by the River Kildare (banks of the Try) I'm a piper by trade And a roving young blade And many a tune I do play Let us catch well the hours And the minutes that fly And we'll share them together this day So, come fill up your glasses Of brandy and wine, And whatever the cost, I will pay. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The song is an Irish narrative ballad that has been shortened to an Aberdeenshire drinking song. It is essentially Jeannie Robertson's version, slightly modified by Archie Fisher in the third verse so the dog doesn't get shot. It is alternatively claimed by the Singing Stewarts to have been written for Bell's father. Recorded by Archie Fisher on "The Man With A Rhyme," Folk Legacy, FSS-61, Copyright 1976. The fourth and fifth verses are from the singing of Ian McGregor @Scottish @drink @friendship @chorus filename[ JSTEWART TUNE FILE: JSTEWART CLICK TO PLAY DC |