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My son John was tall and slim
He had a leg for every limb
But now he's got no legs at all
For he run a race with a cannonball
With me roo rum rar, faddle diddle dar
Whack faddlle liddle with me roo rum rar.

Oh were you deaf, were you blind
When you left your two fine legs behind
Or was it sailing on the sea
Lost your two fine legs right down to the knee
With me roo rum rar etc.

Oh I was not deaf, I was not blind
When I left my two fine legs behind
Nor was it sailing on the sea,
Lost my two fine legs right down to the knee
With me roo rum rar, etc.

For I was tall, I was slim
And I had a leg for every limb,
But now I've got no legs at all,
They were both shot away by a cannonball.
With me roo rum rar, etc.

note: a Mrs. McGrath variant, recorded on Tim Hart and Maddy
Prior's Folk Songs of Olde England vol. 2
@soldier @peace @war
filename[ SONJOHN

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In Mudcat MIDIs:
My Son John (Midi made from the notation in Hamer's book Garners Gay (1967).)


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