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Philippa Lyr Req: The Drunken Piper (21) RE: Far am bi mi fhìn 21 Dec 99

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,br. Drunken Piper

There was an Old Piper(a different song)

George doesn't seem to have picked up on the request for a translation of his lyrics for Far Am Bi Mi-fhìn. The song, by the way, is a well-known standard among Scottish Gaels. I'll venture a quick, rough translation (I'm writing from the uni library):

wherever I am, is where I want to be {my interpretation - dochas means hope or ecpectation . another possible translation:… is where my hopes lie?)

1) travelling the beaches and walking on the sand
2) Sine and I will go to the piper's house and dance a reel on the floor
3)As the piper gives us a tune for the reel, the shepherd has a fiddle and the craftsman has a pipe
3C) I heard from Sine that she had a jaw's harp and a comb, Although every fiddler and piper would be there

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