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Sandy Paton Acres of Clams-WA song-please clarify (75* d) RE: Acres of Clams-WA song-please clarify 15 Jan 00

Letting my curiosity push me a bit more, I find that the tenth Collegiate Edition of Webster's says: "geo-duck \'gu-e-,dek\ noun [Lushootseed (Salishan language of the Puget Sound region) gwideq] (1883): a large edible clam (Panopea abrupta synonym P. generosa of the Pacific coast that sometimes weighs over five pounds." This is still NOT my original reference, where the size was described as "up to fifteen pounds."

However, The Oxford Universal Dictionary on Historical Principles (third edition) says: "1883. [? Amer. Indian.] A large edible clam (Glycineris generosa) from the Pacific coast of the U.S." Finking out on us with that [? Amer. Indian], eh?

On the other hand, A Dictionary of Americanisms on Historical Principles says: geoduck 'gui,dak, n. [see note.] A large, edible clam, Panope generosa, found on the Pacific coast." It then continues: "No doubt from a Nisqualli Indian term meaning 'dig deep.' See Webster s.v. gweduc. In Natural History, April 1948, 190, the name is said to be based on that of a certain John F. Gowey. The pronunciation given here is the one said to be correct on page 163 of the magazine cited, but Cent. Supp., s.v. geoduk, has ['goidak]."

It then continues: 1883 Nat. Museum Bul. No. 27, 239 Glycimeris generosa... is a Pacific coast species, known as the 'Geoduck' or 'Giant Clam.' Ib 263 Geoduck or Giant Clam... [is found on] the Pacific coast, in rivers and estuaries from Puget Sound to San Diego. 1903 Sci. Amer. Supp. II April 22, 805 In Alaskan waters is found a monster clam, the 'geoduck,' one of which would afford a meal for several persons.

Well, we've extended the bugger's range from San Diego to Alaska, while my misplaced initial reference stated that it was peculiar to the waters of Puget Sound. The question, it would seem, is whether "Nisqualli" is a "Salishan" language related to or identical to 'Lushootseed'(and let's hope Phil can answer that for us), or whether it's all an etymological confusion based on an initial misunderstanding, and the monster clam was actually christened eponymously for (or by) our Mr. Gowey. If so, why complete the name with 'duck,' rather than 'clam?' It surely doesn't walk like a duck, or talk like a duck! Well, the future of the world hardly depends on it, but it is kind of fun!

Sandy (still looking for his elusive original reference)

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