I was going to suggest Green and Yellow (Yeller, Yaller), a cockney parody of Lord Randall, but I can't seem to find it in the search. Here it is, and sorry if is already here. Hope I haven't forgotten any verses Green and Yeller Where have you been, Henry my son Where have you been, my currant bun In the woods dear mother In the woods dear mother Chorus: Oh mother be quick, I wanna be sick, and lay me down to die What did you do there, Henry my boy What did you do, my saveloy (Note: saveloy is a type of sausage) Ate, dear mother Ate, dear mother. Oh mother be quick, I wanna be sick, and lay me down to die What did you eat, Henry my son What did you eat, my currant bun Eels, dear mother Eels, dear mother Oh mother be quick, I wanna be sick, and lay me down to die What colour were them eels, Henry my boy What colour were them eels, my saveloy Green and Yeller Green and Yeller Oh mother be quick, I wanna be sick, and lay me down to die Them wasn't eels, them was snakes, Henry my son Them wasn't eels, them was snakes, my currant bun (pause) Yeuch, dear mother Yeuch, dear mother Oh mother be quick, I wanna be sick, and lay me down to die What colour flowers do you want on your grave, Henry my boy What colour flowers do you want on your grave, my saveloy (all together, loudly) GREEN AND YELLER GREEN AND YELLER Oh mother be quick, I wanna be sick, and lay me down to die ?Anon Date unknown, but pre 1970