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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Sandy Paton No Real Choice in American Elections (74* d) RE: No Real Choice in American Elections 28 Oct 00

A Connecticut poll today shows that, in a state once considered "safe" for Gore, the numbers are now 45% for Gore, 45% for Bush, and 11% for Nader. Others polls around the country indicate that Nader is about to give the election to Bush on a silver platter. Michigan, Oregon, Pennsylvania, etc., the list goes on.

I'm not nearly as eloquent as Paul Stamler (who, by the way, does what I consider to be the finest folk music radio show in the country!), but this is what I wrote to Nader earlier today.

" Please, Mr. Nader:

For God's sake, don't deliver us into the arms of the big oil, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc., barons who have carefully selected George W. Bush as their candidate because they know he'll be easy for them to manipulate! Every vote you take away from Gore is a vote to deny women their right to reproductive choice, a vote to line the pockets of the wealthy, a vote to to endanger the stability of our Social Security system. Would you allow an insensitive semi-literate to name the next several members of the Supreme Court? Would you really be comfortable knowing that you were responsible for allowing Dick Cheney, with his smooth exterior and barbaric interior, to run the country from behind the scenes? This is the man who, when he was in the Congress, voted sixteen times against relief for black lung victims! Considering the obvious incompetence of Bush, we all realize that, in reality, Cheney and his right-wing cohorts will be running the show.

My wife and I worked hard to help elect Toby Moffett, one of your early Nader-Raiders, to the Congress. Our motorhome was his first rolling campaign headquarters. We travelled with him all over the Sixth district, proud to be supporting a man who had formed the Connecticut Citizen's Action Group at your behest. Now we feel we must add our voices to Toby's, pleading with you to urge your supporters in every critical state to give their votes to Gore. There really IS a difference, and you know it, in spite of your current rhetoric. Surrender the next four years to the Bush forces and we will never again be able to trust your political judgement or believe in the selflessness of your crusade. Sandy Paton Sharon, CT

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