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GUEST,Les in Chorlton New Folk Programme in Manchester 2 (165* d) RE: New Folk Programme in Manchester 2 28 Aug 03

Harry, the joy of Tuesday, shamed it didn't last a bit longer but they are looking good are they not.

Sorry I have been in trouble for this before...

.... what else could the programme feature? Well, it siunds very promising as it is and it makes a cracking start to the week. Lots of other community music exists in Greater Manchester; Eastern European, Afro-Caribean, tons of Asian stuff. How about a some of them?

I seem to remember reading Bert Lloyd on collecting tunes before the war in the Balkans. When he(?) went back after the war the contact with other cultures during the war had enriched the music. Is community music alive, what do Mancunians of Asian origin do with their music and is it changing by being played here?

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