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GUEST,celtaddict at work Portsmouth (NH) Maritime Folk Festival (93* d) RE: Portsmouth (NH) Maritime Folk Festival 21 Sep 03

Thank you so much, Tom! If you are involved in the site at all, a more detailed schedule and a map showing sites would be a big help, particularly one that could be printed itself. So would an e-mail address. The link is often convenient but I am probably not the only one who is unable to use it from a work computer. Even nights or weekends we are set up so we can go through our intranet to only one net place at a time, either checking mail or visiting site, but cannot mail to site. (And there are those poor folks who do not realize the wealth of information available at the 'Cat!) I would of course love to be there for everything but have an unbreakable commitment and need the details to see if it is worth the extra hours driving (six?) and to be able to go straight to the place where I want to be listening.
There is by the way a house concert by Mainbrace on Thursday, at the place listed for last September's house concert, in York, Maine.
Thanks again!

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