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Uncle Jaque Req: If You Want People to Like You, Learn German (262* d) RE: Ahah!: so That's why I'm Despised & Rejected!? 05 Oct 03

Mein Leibe Muddcatten:

You know, Deutche is one of those languages I've long wanted to learn, but never got around to it.
Don't know why I've so admired it - it's just a nifty way to express oneself, it seems. And I'm a big fan of Old-World Deutche engineering and craftsmanship.

BMWs; Mausers; Leicas; Zeiss scopes and Bins...can't beat 'em!

Thanks to a dear Deutch Cyber-Friend (met right here on the Mudcat, BTW), I have picked up a few things, but wish I could spend some time over there with the folks, as that's about the only way I can pick up a language.

She's a Linguist, BTW, and fluent in several languages - which might help, too.

OH!; while we're at this;

I've been building a traditional rural Yankee outhouse in our back yard (much to the Neighbor's consternation) for the better part of this Summer, to take and erect on our little plot of woods we recently acquired on Berry Pond in Winthrop (a real pretty spot).
I've been wondering what the Deuthce phrase for "Outhouse" or "Privvy" might be.

Don't know why, really, just that naming it something like "Der Sheissenhaben" might add a certain touch of class - don't you think?

Say; how do you make those little "Umlattas" or double-dotty things over certain Deutche vowels? Is there a keyboard trick to it, or do I have to get a special font / program for it?

Just in case the word for "Backhouse" requires one, you see.

Guten Tag; (How's that!?)

Onkel Jaque

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