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Uncle Jaque Portland, ME Singing session (19) RE: Portland, ME Singing session 05 Oct 03

Thank you, Brian for your kindness in thinking of me!

As you might know, I've never been a big fan of Portland, especially at night, and it takes something like a Shanty Hoot to get us to hitch up the mule and venture downtown.

I'd love to come to this one, but with the Legion Meeting, and Wife having to get off to work by about 5:30 the next Morning with the domestic Cook's assistance, it will be tight to be sure!

From being active in several organizations past and present, I know how tough it is to pick an Evening which might be mutually convienient to those who would like to participate - and in most cases it's practically impossible.

Just in the off chance I decide to ditch Legion Tuesday; Is this the big, lovely brick-red church that sits about at the foot of Munjoy Hill, prominently visable from the highway?

Was listening to MPBN Radio Irish Music tonight (That & "Thistle & Shamrock" are about the only things I tune in on PBN) while fixing grub in the gally, and heard this event announced.

Here's hopin' that you have a splendid turnout and a jolly good time!

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