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GUEST,celtaddict at work Need Irish Songs with the word 'WHACK' (20) RE: Need Irish Songs with the word 'WHACK' 09 Oct 03

Nobody You Know (great group name) out of Ontario (?) wrote and recorded a hysterical song which is made to be a sendup of Irish songs, that involves meeting a lovely young girl, of course, and as the choruses sometimes say, "and she sang..." whatever, in this one she sang "WHACK something this and that" nonsense syllables and the singer to whom this purportedly happened spends the rest of the song trying to figure out what in the world that was supposed to mean.
As far as I know their only recording is called "Pub Songs" and for reasons known only to them it is on the cassette but not the CD.
The cassette seems to be out of print though the CD is available. Drop me a PM if interested and I will hunt up their contact or tape the song from the cassette.

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