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GUEST,Greg Loux Origins: In Room 202 (Leslie, Kalmar, Harris) (34) RE: Lyr Req: In Room Two Hundred and Two 20 Oct 03

Actually, I'm not guessing. I found a recording of Room 202 and I'm trying to decipher the lyrics. I tripped over this thread while trying to search for the lyrics.

The recording is by Snuffy Jenkins and Pappy Sherrill on Rounder 0059 entitled "Crazy Water Barn Dance"...Room 202 is sung by Julian "Greasy" Medlin and the chorus is

Room Two Hundred and Two
Walls keep talking to you
Shall I tell you everything they said
Put out the lights and go to bed

Snuffy Jenkins, as you may know, is credited with the banjo picking style that Earl Scruggs ran with and made famous in bluegrass music. The recording was made in the 1970s, when these guys were in their elder years. They played on the radio in the 1930s recorded some 78s in the 1940s. According to Mark Wilson's liner notes, Greasy Medlin had a long career in medicine show work.

I've figured out all of the lyrics Greasy Medlin sings, with the exception of one line in the last verse. It would be great to see the sheet music.

Intriguingly yours,
-Greg Loux

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