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Fi Origins: Gaelic Verse in Burning of Auchindoun (29) Origins: Gaelic Verse in Burning of Auchindoun 04 Nov 03

Hi there, I've been singing a version of the Burning of Auchindoun which has a first and last verse as follows:
"When will my love come to me
Over land and over sea
Will he be the one for me
Oh decko decko dandy
Halamachadoo hoo-ra-bhi
Oh hoo-rabha-hi-na, hoo-rabha hin
Halamachadoo hoo-ra-bhi
Oh decko decko dandy"
Does anyone know the origins of this verse? Is the middle bit Gaelic? If so, what does it mean? Also, in the main verse, there are two old English words, Crouse, which means courage and crawing... anyone know a meaning for crawing? The lines are:
"Crawing, crawing, for a' your crouse a'crawin'
Ye burnt your crop an' tint your wings an hour before the dawning"
I can't quite make sense of these last lines in context with the rest of the song.

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