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CeltArctic Lydia the Tatooed Lady-info (21) Lydia the Tatooed Lady-info 17 Aug 99

This silly song has been on my mind for a long time (Lord knows why!!) I was delighted to find the lyrics in Digitrad, but I was wondering if anyone could suply me with more background.

The author, according to Digitrad, was E.Y. Harburg. Who was he (or she)?

When was the song written?

I've seen the song used in three films, that I know of. The first one, I believe, was the Marx Brothers "Join the Circus" (I'm uncertain of the title). Groucho sings it on the train. Was the song written for that film?

The other two films are Philadelphia Story (Catherine Hepburn, Jimmy Stewart) and more recently, The Fisher King (Robin Williams.) Williams seems to sing the most complete version of the song in the three films. Has it been sung in any other films?

Has anybody recorded this ditty?


Moira Cameron

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