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GUEST,Where's me cookie gone - AKA Ella Folk clubs etc. in Cardiff area (11) RE: Folk clubs etc. in Cardiff area 15 Dec 03


There's a fair bit going on. I'm teaching music tomorrow night, I'll ask some of my pupils who go to a few Welsh Sessions around Cardiff. There is usually some sort of music on at The Conway pub in Pontcanna (close to Severn Grove) I think its a Thursday eve, but phone and check first!

I'll ask Tuesday eve for you. Have a look out in the library for a copy of the TAPLAS (or visit the Norweigan Church in Cardiff Bay - they usually have a copy there. They also have some very good gigs on, its a music venue - and very nice it is too).


I think one of the pubs that does predominantly Welsh stuff is, Y Mochyn Du (uh-moch-in-dee) in Sophia Gardens close to town. But you'll have to phone and check, I'm sure this is one that my student goes to...

here's some other info -

other listings

That should be enough to get looking in to... Best of luck!

Ella (in Cardiff at the mo)

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