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Bardford BS: My pressie has arrived!!! (366* d) RE: BS: My pressie has arrived!!! 06 Jan 04

Well, I thought I was going to get a pony, but apparantly the little fella was turned back at the border because of the whole BSE deal. My santa did manage to sneak some Buffalo jerky across, though. Oddly enough, it wasn't made in Buffalo at all, but in Lindsborg, Kansas. And it doesn't taste like Buffalo wings, neither.

Also, a nifty Kansas guidebook, which I recommend for anyone who is planning to attend that state. Or even if you aren't planning to. "Kansas Curiosities- Quirky Characters, Roadside Oddities & Other Offbeat Stuff" by Pam Grout.

A random sample - " Every fall, Elk Falls hosts a tour of its outhouses, many of which are decorated."   

This book is a book with a message, and the message is "ROAD TRIP!" Who wants to go?

Many thanks santa nancyjo!

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