Wesley S, loads of films meet my standard for a good film. I love films and Ford was one of my favs: Fort Apache, How Green Was My Valley, The Grapes of Wrath, The Man Who Shot Liberty Vallance, and Stagecoach. Definately one of the greats. The Quiet Man is just not up there with his best. However, after saying that, it looks like a minority opinion here. I might add here that I do not disapprove of violence in films. Violence = action, and we all like action in our movies. However, violence is usually the end result of everything else having broken down. If I disapproved of violence,I would disapprove of most of the best films ever made. What I disapprove about The Quiet Man is the underlying, or maybe not so underlying, assumption that a smack in the mouth is the right and proper way of handling things. Even a God-damn-awful-film like Rambo used violence only when every other means was exhausted. The Quiet Man is a justification for violence and therefore a thugs dream. The amazing thing about it is that the people writing in this thread are obviously people who wouldn't dream of behaving in a thuggish way. I just do not understand it. I still say: Burn every copy! I am in no mood for compromise here.