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--seed Mudcat Tavern -Round 9 (98* d) RE: Mudcat Tavern -Round 9 03 Sep 99

I got hurt in the fracas once. It really messed me up--I had to have a fracas transplant--oh, the hell with it. Being stuck in Terra in Cognito, I can never get here in time to post in time for anybody to know what the potato I'm talking about....thongs for the mammaries, indeed. "Just a thong at twilight..." and "What have they done to my thong?" and perhaps "Thing a thong of thixpenth..." or "There's a thong in my heart." Patsclaw, you're really getting weird...uh, oh. I take that back. I just saw Big Mick. Somebody, quick! I need my medication, NOW! --seed

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