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bigchuck help - want to open music store (21) RE: help - want to open music store 19 Feb 04

Some decent wholesalers: Kaman Music in Connecticut, Harris-Teller in
Louisville (I think), The Music Link. The best place to get "hillbilly" type instruments without having to go though dealership hassles and expense is probably Saga Instruments in San Francisco, but be aware that their quality control is non-existent, and do not under any circumstances order any Rover Mandolins as they appear to be impossible to intonate. The Rover banjos are quite good, however, as is the Saga Old Timey openback. Deering "Goodtime" banjos are great values and can be bought without a dealership arrangement. I hope you have decent instrument repair and set-up skills, because any of the instruments available outside of a dealership (and indeed, many with a dealership) will have set-up and quality issues, guitar necks in particular. Be aware that, while it's nice to stock good instruments, pros generally have no money and are looking for deals that will not keep you in business. The customers that will enable you to pay the bills are amatures and first timers wanting to spend less than $300. Service and friendliness are VERY important. I work at a small music store and am happy to answer any questions, so feel free to PM me.


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