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Fi Origins: Controversial songs - Little Sir Hugh (22) Origins: Controversial songs - Little Sir Hugh 23 Feb 04

I have been listening to a good bit of Steeleye Span recently since I'm off to see them here in Auckland, NZ in March. They sing a watered down version of Little Sir Hugh and I've just been surfing around mudcat for info on this song. I knew it's basic anti-semitic origins but was interested to see the views people had expressed in a 2001 string on this song. ( Do people generally feel that songs like this shouldn't be sung? I'm fascinated in this point of view - and not sure whether I agree or not. I usually look for songs with interesting and sometimes controversial backgrounds and sing a few. I always put these songs into context when I introduce the song and I think I feel that a song such as Little Sir Hugh - introduced properly - is a great medium for teaching/imparting the lessons of the past to the people of the future (that's all of us). What does everyone else think? F

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