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Fi Origins: Controversial songs - Little Sir Hugh (22) RE: Origins: Controversial songs - Little Sir Hugh 23 Feb 04

So to add fuel to the fire..... what do people feel about contemporary controversial songs - a Kiwi friend sang "In the Green" in a London pub to a rather steely reception recently (he DID understand why). I certainly don't feel comfortable singing IRA numbers, especially with my plum UK accent :-) - and neither do I think I should. But, by contrast I do feel OK singing songs like Little Sir Hugh or some of the Scottish masacre songs (my background is Scottish). I think I make a differentiation with the passage of time and the ability to learn from the past, whereas the Irish history is still being played out today. Not that there is not still racism of every order.... which in some ways makes this distinction invalid.....?????? Yikes, I'm treading difficult ground here. Further thoughts will be read with great interest. F

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