Ahoy, Charlie! I'm a little curious about your announcement of an upcoming session - RE: "...are you joining us this Satuday at the Allen Avenue UU Church in Portland for Roll & Go's Cabin Fever Reliever Concert of traditional drinking and warped love songs?" Are you going to be singing songs about "Traditional Drinking", drinking traditionally, or both? Sounds like fun to me, either way! {8^{D~ The UU Church isn't particularly "dry", is it? I don't think we'd get away with "drinking" of ardent spirits of any sort, traditional or not, in the Baptist Church where I used to hang out! And as to the "Warped Love Songs"; Will you be singing love songs that are a little warped, or celebrating "warped love" in song? Considering who's running this gig, I would not rule out "Both" as an option on that one, either! Would "Cruisin' 'Round Yarmouth" fit in here? Is this session (or is it more of a formal "Concert") open to backslidden and reprobate Baptists? If so; what time do we start?