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Fi Mudcat Alternative British Folk Awards (127* d) RE: Mudcat Alternative British Folk Awards 29 Feb 04

Gosh for a Cyber forum this is UK centric ..... all of the below nominations are British or run by Brits.

PUB/CLUB FOLK SINGER OF THE YEAR - hmm tricky - Roger Giles for running the Auckland Folk Club and occasional forays into West Country (UK) country songs.
BEST "NON COMMERCIAL" GROUP / DUO - stuck on this one.
BEST "NON COMMERCIAL" CD - what does Non commercial mean? A CD artists are giving away????
HORIZONTAL AWARD (Best drinker) - too many to mention
BEST FOLK CLUB - The Bunker, Devonport, Auckland, NZ
BEST PUB SESSION - The Dogs Bollix, Newton, Auckland
BEST FOLK FESTIVAL - Auckland Folk Festival - beat any of the UK ones I've attended recently for the out and out enthusiasm and musicianship of nearly all attendees, the openness to newcomers and general ability to continue sessions 'til sunrise (and beyond).... but then the weather helps!

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