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Uncle Jaque Lyr Correction: Caledonia (Dougie MacLean) (79* d) RE: Caledonia by Dougie MacLean 11 Mar 04

One of my favorites as well.

Iv'e sort of worked out the chords myself; Dougie does it in "F" as near as I can figure, but since i sing baritone and am lazy when it comes to barred chords, I transposed to "G" and it sounds OK to me and my Domestic Management.

It's got a syncopated 6:8 beat to it, doesn't it?

As much as I favor fingerpicking, this is one I use a thumb-strum for (picks are for tuning a 12-string where my finger won't fit, as far as I'm concerned) with the accent on the first beat;

"ONE-twothreefourfivesix;ONE-twothreefour..." etc.

It makes a jolly grand campfire ditty, to be sure.

I only wish I could accompany myself on the whistle, but haven't figured out how to sing and play guitar & whistle @ the same time.
If any of you get that trick down pat, please drop me a clue, won't you? {8^{D~

UJ in ME

PS: How drunk does one have to be in order to get far away from Maine? **~~{B>{P~

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