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Uncle Jaque oral tradition - 'celtic' singing in usa (84* d) RE: oral tradition - 'celtic' singing in usa 14 Mar 04

Clinton - RE.: " Just don't 'affect' an accent to sing a song..."

Is that the same as "FAKE" an accent?

Shucks; I do it all the time!
Mebbie I has a case of "Celtic Envy" or something, do ye suppose?

Living up here in Maine, I really ought to know better; nothing irritates a DownEaster more that some Summer Complaint - or worse, a TV Actor - trying to "Talk Yankee" and butchering it horridly, as they are rather wont to do.

It's proably about the same for a "Real" Celt having to put up with some dipstick Yankee trying to sing with a feaux-brouge, eh?

So if I ever sees ya at a session, I'll try to avoid singing, and just play my tinwhistle or something instead. And if I don't recognize ye and start lilting merrily away when my turn comes, I'll know who ye are pretty quick I suppose - the bright purple complexion, smoke at the ears, and frothing at the nose ought to be a clue by about the third bar... {8^{*~

UJ in ME

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