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Fi Review: Steeleye Span and Ralph McTell (16) Review: Steeleye Span and Ralph McTell 16 Mar 04

Anyone else in Australia or NZ seen Steeleye and Ralph McTell on their latest tour. What were they like at Port Fairy? They did a gig here in Auckland last night..... interested to know what others thought...... My thoughts for what they are worth:

Ralph McTell - Brilliant, a wonderful storyteller who totally engaged the audience and told and sung empathetic stories to his own wonderful tunes.... I hadn't even known that From Clare to Here was one of his. And an amazing guitarist to boot. Pure Magic.

Steeleye - Sound was dreadful, half of the people around me had their fingers in their ears for the whole concert..... voices engulfed in an electric wall of sound, couldn't hear Maggie Priors voice at all most of the time. I know they are known for their rock interpretations, but it seems like they haven't moved on from the early 70's at all. But, worst of all was that when they came on and sung the Wren a cappella, they were pitifully out of tune. I have heard it done so much better in Devonport folk club.

Was anyone else there? Am I out of line?


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