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GUEST,vixen@work Musicians with Hearing Aids (103* d) RE: Musicians with Hearing Aids 23 Mar 04


Just a thought, I haven't tried it myself, but I tend to try odd things any way--like using headphones as a mic by plugging them into the mic jack instead of the headphone jack.

Here's the actual thought about your question.

Get a signal splitter cable of the sort that will plug into the L and R channel jacks. The other end will no doubt be the wrong gender to accommodate your headphone jack, but you can buy what I call a "gender bender"--a female-to-female or male-to-male connector--(I'm guessing you'll need a f2f) and connect the splitter cable to the earphone cable.

I don't know what your signal quality will be, but it's worth a try...the cable and connector together will probably run you about $10 at Radio Shack here in the states. If you're across the pond, your guess is better than mine.

Just $0.02, fwiw. Good luck.


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