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Franz S. The Weavers and the McCarthy Era (151* d) RE: The Weavers and the McCarthy Era 23 Mar 04

And I was in Colombia with my wife trying to learn to play the tiple (it's a musical instrument something like a small 12-string, but with four groups of 3 strings-very nice sound) and to justify all the money I was getting paid by you taxpayers. Was I there because of the Weavers' songs? Who knows. But I'm sure the same impulse led me to both places.

And my friends were writing me letters saying, "Don't come home. This country is falling apart." Plus ca change... (Can't do cedilly under c for some reason.)

Art, Depoe Bay is one of the world's most beautiful places, that is, if the weather be good.   In the winter it makes Maine look positively cheerful.. Never been in Chicago in the winter.

Got home from Colombia halfway between the King and Kennedy assasinations. This country still looked better than Colombia.

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