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RichardP Licensing Bill - How will it work ? (331* d) RE: Licensing Bill - How will it work ? 25 Mar 04

The Shambles has alighted on the question that should have been the basis of all concerns form the start.

If you want to get a quick assessment of the true impact go directly to the model potential licence conditions associated with the four objectives.

You will immediately recognise that two of the four have nothing to do with entertainment and hence will not affect the entertainment aspects of the licence. e.g. Child protection.

The two that do affect us directly have mainly reasonable model conditions - have the emergency exit unlocked and accessible. Have the emergency lights working. etc.

Prevention of nuisance might require the windows to be closed late in the evening and make us move indoors at such times - but even these are not to be applied unless there is a formal request from the neighbours.

Note that council's have to justify any conditions that are not in the appendices and can then have them challenged in court.

As for existing PELs they become scrap paper next year and council's cannot continue to charge excessively for that scrap.

It is easy to joke about having a toilet in a Punch and Judy tent - but this act absloutely precludes putting such a condition on any licence for any premises - it is now only a town planning matter. None of the model conditions will cost pub owners anything significant - so go out and persuade them all to tick the box.

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