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RichardP Licensing Bill - How will it work ? (331* d) RE: Licensing Bill - How will it work ? 30 Mar 04

Richard you have been busy.

I can recall two SIs which are commencement orders. The first abolished ballots about Sunday drinking in Wales and so confirmed that drinking is legal throughout Wales seven days a week.

The other brought into force all the parts necessary for Local Authorities to prepare their "Statements of Licewncing Policy". She has now published the draft of the Statutary Guidance, which is subject to affirmative resolution in both houses. This now triggers the actual policy writing by LEAs. The first appointed day has to be at least six months from the Guidance publication - i.e. it is likely to be in late September. That is the first date at which applications can be made for licences. The second appointed day is indicated as being a further twelve months later at which point the new licences come into force and the old licences (including PELs) will be abolished. Your guess is as good as anyone elses whether that is before or after the General Election.


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