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RichardP Licensing Bill - How will it work ? (331* d) RE: Licensing Bill - How will it work ? 31 Mar 04

1)    Spontaneous is indeed retained, or more accurately, defined and refined in the Guidance.

2)    Incidental is associated with some other entertainment, such as the incidental music for a play. Musicians accompanying Morris or Mummers would be incidental - but very obviously not spontaneous, because no-one is accidentally dressed for either.

3)    The Guidance is equal in importance to the wording of the act for two reasons:

       a) The Act says that it is to exist and is to be followed by the Local Authorities

       b) It is a document that is approved by both houses of parliament just as is the Act. However it is not subject to all of the line by line amendment by parliament.

       c) It is the norm for Acts of Parliament to be supported by secondary legislation - for instance the principles for establishing constituency boundaries are in an Act. Every individual boundary is defined by secondary legislation. The latter are far more meanigufl than the former.


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