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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Medieval Man Tune Req: Need minor-key song suggestions (21) Need minor-key song suggestions 18 Sep 99

I am arranging a medley of folk songs for my choir to sing at our annual Country/Bluegrass festival. This medley will be exclusively 50's and 60's American folk songs. I need a minor key folk song of that era for a crucial place in the medley. The song must have a 50's to 1969 pedigree. It should either be a song recorded by one of the well-known groups or performers of that era, or it may also be a more esoteric song from the folk and coffeehouse sub-culture. Whether the song is well-known or obscure is not important. This medley already has both. To narrow this general song search a little more, the tempo should be such that a Travis pick can carry it, as opposed to a strumming song. This song will come out of a strumming song in C, and I hope to go into the relative Am with a deceptive cadence, with finger-picking. I need suggestions for this song. This is my first attempt at asking the knowledgeable people of Mudcat for advice. If this works, I'll be grateful and I will have found a great and valuable asset to my arranging needs.

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