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RichardP Licensing Bill - How will it work ? (331* d) RE: Licensing Bill - How will it work ? 06 Apr 04

McGrath, you have summarised the way ahead in one. It really is time to discuss where do we go from here instead of reliving old battles.

Richard Bridge, it is easy to quote a couple of individuals and an unnamed police source and purport to represent the views of the whole brewing industry and the whole police service. Someone could even quote you and indicate that the whole legal profession had the same opinion. However, my recollection is that there was one member of the House of Commons Committee who was representing the Brewing Industry views. In that context Stewart Neame was clearly indicated as speaking for Shepherd Neame but not the general industry. Similarly the results of consultations with the police service were frequently also refered to and were more supportive than in opposition to the Bill.

However that is water long iunder the bridge. As McGrath says the only things worth discussing are how to maximise the opportunities under the Act and how to avoid the potential disadvantages.


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