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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
RichardP Licensing Bill - How will it work ? (331* d) RE: Licensing Bill - How will it work ? 11 Apr 04

It may have been noticed that my previous posting made no mention of Spontaneous Entertainment.

The main reason was that Spontaneous Entertainment is not mentioned in the Act, only in the Guidance. Consideration of the Guidance will show that Spontaneous Entertainment is a subset of incidental entertainment since it always occurs on premises which are accessible for some other purpose than the Spontaneous Entertainment but there are many circumstances that satisfy the criteria for music being played incidental but where spontaneous music would be quite unacceptable (for instance in the middle of the performance of a play). Planned music during a play can enhance the experience but unplanned music is at the very best extremely bad manners.

Consequently, it is helpful to have the guidance mention spontaneous music explicitly, because it essentially prevents some jobsworth trying to interfere with music that is self-evidently spontaneous but the previous posting covered it whenever it is appropriate.


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