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RichardP Licensing Bill - How will it work ? (331* d) RE: Licensing Bill - How will it work ? 12 Apr 04


Addrssing your question I think McGrath has pointed to the answer even if in this case unintentionally.

Let me pose McGraths question the other way round.

What makes a floor a dance floor. Answer - someone dances on it.

Going back to Shambles question. I do not see that a player piano needs an entertainment facilities entry on a licence unless and until someone uses it to perform licencable music (e.g. it is not needed if it only used for incidental music).

There may be a second consideration which is hinted at several times and is explicit in one very special case. When does a publican make an entertainment facility available. You would naturally assume that he does so every time he allows someone to use it to provide entertainment. However, there is one specific case where he only provides as far as the Act is concerned if he charges for it with a view to making himself (or his employer/landlord) a profit. If this consideration applied to facilities other than a room for a private event, then it is very likely that some facilities provided would not be mentioned explicitly on any existing licence.

Let us remind oursleves that this Act is only concerned with the licencing of premises for the sale of alcohol and late night refreshments and/or for the performance of that entertainment which is required to be performed on premises with a premises licence. The Act also requires the provision of an operating schedule stating times of day that activities will take place and any restrictions that will be applied to the operations. It is not concerned with the details of the entertainment provided they are in accordance with the operations schedule and any constraints that are included in the licence. These constraints are either agreed between the local authority and the licencee (maybe after pressure) or are determined by a magistrates court on appeal if agreement is impossible.


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