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Jerry Friedman Senate Czars-committee on culture,scary! (66* d) RE: Senate Czars-committee on culture,scary! 21 Sep 99

Jack, I didn't see anyone suggest "desperate measures and restrictions of trade and freedom".

Were the facts about N'Sync vs. Marilyn Manson and Disney movies vs. Pulp Fiction supposed to be good signs or bad signs?

Does the "legal technicalities" statistic include cases in which no arrests are made or no prosecution takes place because the evidence would be inadmissible? Any analysis of the effect of "technicalities" on the justice system would have to take those into account. I'm not sure whether I'd like to see big numbers or small numbers of people getting off because of "technicalities".

And finally, and further and further off topic, how does the DoJ know the difference between the number of crimes and the number of reported crimes? Where can I find information on that?

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