thanks John, strangely though I've never seen any other Ann Arbor ones! When I got mine I discovered an Organ Museum in Saltaire in Yorkshire run by Pam and Phil Flukes, and I asked them what information they had (which was none - nor did they have an Ann Arbor one in their collection). Fortunately I discovered a member of my Motorcycle club living in Ann Arbor and he kindly went to his Library for me and dug me out loads of info which I was able to pass on to the Flukes' museum in Yorkshire. There is also a brief mention of the organ works at Ann Arbor in Robert F. Gellerman's "The American Reed Organ" which is "..a treatise on its History, Restoration and Tuning, with Descriptions of some Outstanding Collections, Including a Stop Directory and a Dierctory of Reed Organs...." I don't play mine too often but when the mood takes me, especially when the sun is shining, I like to open all my windows and give my neighbours a good blast of a few hearty hymns (no-one complains!!) Linds