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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
LindsayInWales Bloody Morons...! (accordion) (26) Bloody Morons...! 24 Apr 04

A young friend of mine who plays the accordion, as I also do, was passing the local music shop last Friday when the proprietor called him into the shop and handed him a scrap of paper with a phone number on it, telling him that the lady whose phone number it was had a 120-bass accordion (Ladies model) she wanted to give away to someone who would appreciate it as she could no longer play. My friend immediately thought that I might like to have it so that I could give my old 72-bass a long needed overhaul - which I can't do as it is in constant use!

Anyway he rushed home and phoned this lady up, "Oh dear, I put it out for the dustmen yesterday..."

Hanging is too good for some people, isn't it...?

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