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GUEST,lgldud ADD: From Buffalo to Troy (canal song) (29) ADD Version: Er-i-e canal 25 Apr 04

I remember a song from my childhood that I heard recorded on a 45 record of childrens' songs. It was called The Erie Canal, but seems to have some words from the Buffalo To Troy song Catfeet wrote about 6 years ago. I've looked for the lyrics to the song, but the Erie Canal song usually appears with quite different lyrics. Unfortunatly this is all I can remember from that recorded song:

Er-i-e Canal

We were forty miles from Albany
forget it I never shall,
what a terrible time we had one night
on the Er-i-e canal.

Oh, the Er-i-e was a-risin,
and the tank was gettin' low,
and I scarcely think we'll get a drink
til we get to Buffalo-o-o
til we get to Buffalo.

The cook we had on board the deck stood six feet in her socks,
her hand was like an elephant's ear
and her breath could open the locks.


The girls are in the police gazette
and the crew is all in jail,
and I'm the only son-of-a-gun
that's left to tell the tale.


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