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RichardP Licensing Bill - How will it work ? (331* d) RE: Licensing Bill - How will it work ? 28 Apr 04

Richard Bridge is incorrect in one respect. He says " the other thing that has been lost is the liberty to perform music at all times and in all places where it is/was not "public". All folk clubs in pubs that operate under the figleaf of being private members clubs will need licensing under the new law."

This is not true. It is true only in those cases where the club either pays for the room, which some do and some don't, or if the club organiser is making a profit out of the club operation, which is very rarely if ever the position in a folk club. So Richard is correct in saying that there will be a loss of the words "all times and all places" but not to imply that this eradicates the liberty.


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