One last one that I forgot to list that we sang (one stanza in Spanish, then two in English) was Pues si vivimos: Pues si vivimos Anonymous Mexican folk hymn English: st. 1 anonymous; st. 2 Elise S. Eslinger, 1983 Pues si vivimos, para Dios vivimos y si morimos, para Dios morimos. Sea que vivamos, o que muramos, somos del buen Dios, somos del buen Dios. In all our living, we belong to God; and in our dying, we are still with God; So, whether living, or whether dying, we belong to God; we belong to God. God sent Christ Jesus to be our shalom, to show us mercy and healing love; So in our living, and in our dying, Christ is our shalom; Christ is our shalom. Haruo