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Uncle Jaque Tune Req: Yarmouth Town (20) RE: Tune Req: YARMOUTH TOWN 14 May 04

I live in Yarmouth, Maine - and the Town's motto is "Our Latchstring Is Always Out." and the Town Seal prominently depicts a long haired woman standing in a clam shell or some such.

"...Won'tcha come down, t' Yarmouth Town?"

Makes me wonder if that song and this Town (on the Atlantic coast in Casco Bay, a major shipbuilding site during the age of sail) might have a connection somehow.

The old Sailors used to call it "Pigtown" back around the 1830s, apparently.

Are you familiar with "Cruisin' 'Round Yarmouth"?
That's a similarly bawdy old Foc'sle song.

Yarmouth (I assume England) must've been a pretty wild town in it's time!

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