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RichardP Wheaton Aston Festvl 14-16 May 2004(UK) (16) RE: Wheaton Aston Festvl 14-16 May 2004(UK) 17 May 04

I concur totally with all El Greko's pen sketch's of acts and his enthusing about the art trail. There are however some other acts that deserve a comparable mention.

I understand modesty, but George Papavgeris demonstrated what a special song writer he has developed into and perforemd some very special sets.

Although noone understood a word that she sang (in Tibetan) Soname has a very special voice. And who else would have got a whole audience making sounds like didgereedoos throughout one song.

Antonio Frederico playing all variants of flamenco managed to demonstrate that the guitar can be a superb instrument in skilled hands.

Bill Caddick was his usual excellent self although only available on the Friday night.

A special mention also for the catering in the village hall. Excellent beers and outstanding food by caterers I have not seen at any other festival.

There was one serious scheduling clash - the only Demon Barber performance coinciding with Kristina Olsen and Peter Grayling. I console myself with the knowledge that there will be other festivals at which to catch up with the Barbers.

Then to top it all there was the outstanding weather.


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