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RichardP Licensing Bill - How will it work ? (331* d) RE: Licensing Bill - How will it work ? 18 May 04


If I knew the cost of a justices licence, I would indeed tell you, but I see no point in inventing figures to create an argument.

It is easy to invent high fees for new licences and then demonstrate that they are high. Unfortunately the fees are still the subject of consultation. However, the Secretary of State has given an indication of her present expectations which are typically a third of the figures that you postulate. Your argument falls completely if the Sec of State sticks with her figures.

On your other posting: I would certainly agree if you argued that the PRS is ineffective and inequitable in its support for the minor song writers. However, the songsmith is worthy of the few coppers that the PRS typically recover when his song is performed. I am ashamed to think that any folkie would take a stand on behalf of evaders of the PRS levies.


My understanding is that at present Fire Service inspections do not incur a fee and that the situation will not change. However, I could be wrong. Certainly there is nothing in the act which explicitly authorises the Fire Service to charge a fee.

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