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RichardP HELP with UK Music Licencing problem? (124* d) RE: HELP with UK Music Licencing problem? 24 May 04

Unless you have taken the booking more than twelve months in advance, the new Act will have no impact on your gig.

Under either Act the local police are not directly involved the licencing of entertainment, so don't hold out too much hope or put too much reliance on any information they provide.

When the new act comes into force, no musician or singer can commit an offence by singing or playing. Only premises owners/operators and organisers making a profit out of an event can commit an offence. In your case the organiser would not need a licence under the new Act if the event in his marquee was not open to the public. Even then, if the event was more or less a one-off it would be sufficient for him to serve a "Temporary Event Notice" at no cost.


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