The cost of a Justice Licence, a PEL or a new premises licence must not be confused with the price of the licence. There may be other elements within the total cost. For instance there are many cases where the cost of structural works required by a PEL are greater than the face value of the licence. This is frequently the case in the more rural authorities which make relatively lower charges for PELs. The other main elelment in the cost is the cost of internal staff or professional advisers in making the preparations and submissions for the licence (whichever it is). I am not privy to the fees aid by any applicant for any licence. The research undertaken by the DCMS showed them to be considerably higher than the face value of the licences that are currently issued (again I assume with the possible exception of the most expensive PELs.). I wonder if anyone knows the actual cost of any current licence since there are bound to be some internal staff costs which are not charged directly against the licence application. Richard