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RichardP Licensing Bill - How will it work ? (331* d) RE: Licensing Bill - How will it work ? 25 May 04


Since the fees under the new act are not fixed, noone can yet carry out the calculation you request at this stage.

My fundamental point still stands. The cost of licencing under both regimes comprises two elements. The face cost of the licences plus the other costs incurred in obtaining/renewing the licences. Neither you nor I would appear to be able to put a value on the second factor for either regime. Neither you nor I yet know the ocst of licences under the new regime, because there is only speculation available at present - some speculation may be better informed than other but it is still speculation.

Consequently, noone can compare the real cost of the two regimes at this stage. We cannot take ministerial projections as gospel, but equally we should not discount them as ridiculous until there is factual information to support either of the positions. This just does not exist at present.


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