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Soundcatcher Lyr ADD: Danny Farrell (Pete St. John) (19) Lyr/Chords Add: DANNY FARRELL (Pete St John) 07 Jun 04

Hi Anne
Try this i don't know if the chords will stay in place but they should be on the right lines at least

Regards, Soundcatcher

                Danny Farrell                        Pete St. John

I knew Danny Farrell when his football was a can
In his hand me downs and wellies and his sandwiches of bran
        D                                                G                        D
But now that pavement peasant is a full grown bitter man
                D                                        A7                        D                                
With all his trials and troubles of his travelling people clan

He's a loser - a boozer - a me and you user
A raider - a trader - a police and people hater
So lonely and only - what you'd call a Gurrier
A7                                                D
Still now Danny Farrell - he's a man

I knew Danny Farrell when we joined the National School
He was lousy at the Gaelic - they called him Amadhan - a fool
                D                                                        G                        D
But he was brilliant in the toss school or trading objects at the pawn
                D                                        A7                        D                
By the time he was an adult all his charming ways were gone

And I knew Danny Farrell when we cued up for the dole
And we tried to hide the loss of pride that eats away the soul
D                                                G                        D
Mending pots and kettles was a trade lost to the past
                        D                                        A7                                D                
There's no handout here for tinkers was the answer when he asked

I still know Danny Farrell - saw him just yesterday
Drinking methylated spirits with some wino's down the quay
                D                                G                        D
Sure he's forty going on eighty with his eyes of hope bereft
                D                                        A7                D                
And he told me this for certain there's not many of us left

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