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GUEST,*daylia* BS: Legalize Pot? (318* d) RE: BS: Legalize Pot? 15 Jun 04

Do you really want a lesson in "right and wrong", Martin? Well it's too hot for any more gardening right now so ok, here goes ...

"Right and wrong" are

(1) value judgments, not to be confused with facts or truths,

(2) highly subjective,

(3) culturally determined - reflecting the prejudices and biases of the environment in which they were learned,

(4) notoriously fickle,

(5) concepts of perennially use for propogandists of any persuasion - for church, state or any other agents of social exploitation, manipulation and control,   

(6) very thankfully subject to the laws of evolution and change, just like everything else in Nature.

Can't think of any more offhand, but I'd just like to say that I am a very happy person, right now. I'm creating a yard full of wildflowers around my house (cuz nothing else grows very well here) ... and this year quite literally lo and behold all that fancy manoevering with the lawnmower to avoid the "weeds" I like is paying off! Everything is comin up daisies! They've just started blooming over the last couple days, and I'm looking out at this veritable ocean of white and gold endazzlement gently rippling in the breeze ... and I just saw an absolultely gorgeous HUGE yellow and black butterfly of a species I've never encountered before. I'm SO EXCITED!

Now, THAT'S food for JOY around here!   Gonna get out the ole guitar and celebrate ... thanks for the opportunity to share my garden with you.

And I won't think about how my gov't dictates what kind of wildwood weeds or flowering tops I can and cannot grow around here either ... cuz that might spoil it ...


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