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GUEST,plum Who's the best songwriter? (164* d) RE: Who's the best song writer? 08 Jul 04

The problem with Dylan is that a lot of his melodies aren't great. Some are good, like all along the watchtower which is very nice and moody. And undoubtedly he's one of the best lyricists.

But surely good songwriting is about more than good lyrics, and I don't really know if we can call Dylan the best songwriter (and this is coming from a Dylan fan), when some of his tunes are so dire. He can't even get a good one when he steals it from someone else, eg blowin' in the wind.

And having seen him live last month, every song had the same tune of one note repeated with the last syllable going up a few notes. And I know thats to do with performing and not songwriting, but I consider good songs to have a great melody, eg waterloo sunset, great delivery, eg northwest passage, and great lyrics too. And as far as I see it, a lot of Bob's songs only fall into the last category, so I don't think we can really call him the best songwriter. Sorry Bob.

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